this and this, and this, too

This sort of feels like a goodbye, and certainly feels like a we’ve been here before, but it’s not a goodbye, and it’s it’s own thing, if you dig me.

First off, you can certainly friend me on Facebook if you like. Just comment and I can click on your email and give you my Facebook name. I’ve made a few other friends that way and I really value keeping up with them on FB.

Secondly, not only have we not dropped off the planet, things are pretty fabulously great. I’m still writing a lot for Like Totally 80s and loving it, as well as continuing with the standardized test passage writing and loving that. Still have our bumps, of course, but things have been remarkably, blissfully smooth of late.

My big boys are in 9th and 10th grades now and rocking out in their various activities: theater, lacrosse, schoolwork, music, and social butterfly-ing.

Rainbow is bright and funny and smart and strong. Here he is singing “The Baby Bird Song,” part of our somewhat lengthy bedtime routine. You might recognize the plot line of the song from P.D. Eastman’s “Are You My Mother?”

Daddy J is still hot and awesome. We’re grateful every day to be married and get to be the parents of all our good, good, good boys.

The big thing, the psssst-guess-what thing, the OMG!!! thing that’s going on is that I’m writing fiction AND GETTING IT PUBLISHED.

I’m probably irritating Daddy J to death about it, but I can’t stop myself: I still giggle and hop around the house, all thrilled that my novella manuscript got accepted by a legitimate publishing house (yes, I totally researched on authors’ forums before choosing this one) and that I have an actual contract on it and YESSSSSS!!!

I’m plugging away on other romance stuff (the editor actually has three more stories/novellas of mine to review, and I just started a new one) in addition to my LT80s and test writing, so this blog has been pushed to the back burner.

Here’s the kicker: it’s erotic romance. Mom, you will NOT be invited to read this. Like, I’m writing using words I would never utter in public about possibly-illegal activities I’ve never engaged in with an assortment of interesting characters. It’s really, really fun, but people: it’s really, really risqué.

(Quick definition: erotic romance = fiction with the elements of traditional romance, including a Happily-Ever-After or Happily-For-Now ending, PLUS super-explicit sex scenes.)

My first novella comes out on August 13 (our wedding anniversary!) and should be available for pre-order in May or June. It’ll have its own racy cover art, you guys!! And the company I’m working with has really exceptional cover art, truly.

Anyway, let me know if you want to friend me on Facebook, and I’ll definitely announce here when my novella (with its pretty cover art!) is available. Thanks so much for checking in, and thank you for your support over the last several years. I hope very much that things are going well in your life and I’d really love to hear from you.